Wednesday 22 August 2012

 name the new gadget........

1.    What was started by VSS Mani a local search engine which has processed more than 250,000 requests this year alone?

2.    X was developed because Microsoft did not offer comprehensive windows 7 support for atom processor. It is a merged project of Maemo and Moblin. Now it is known as Tizen OS.

 ID X.

3.    What product is based on Japanese Shokado Bento?

4.    “That one small step for man, One giant leap of Mankind” was spoken by Neil Armstrong on what company’s Transceiver?

5.    Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger are the developers of what famous application?

6.    Nicholas Carr in his book compared “The Big Switch” compared cloud computing to what important utility?

7.    What word that was coined in the 1960’s by Frederic C. Billingsley  to describe the picture elements of video images (especially in TV’s)?

8.    What we commonly use today was first conceptualized at Advanced Research Projects Agency as what?


.    Who is known as the father of android ? ( Larry Page/Sergey brin/Andy Rubin )

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